Our Colours 

Our StoneLite range comes in an industrial Raw Concrete finish.
Our GRC Range comes in a Rust Finish.  

Raw Concrete Large Garden Pots




Dulux Custom Spray 

We offer Dulux Custom Spray Colours in White on White | Concrete | Monument | Charcoal | Night Sky (Black)

Dulux® White-on-White Large Garden PotsCustom Concrete White Large Garden PotsColorbond® Monument Large Garden PotsCustom Charcoal Large Garden PotsDulux® Night Sky (Black) Large Garden Pots




Need a specific colour?

We can also Spray with any Dulux Colour you choose.

That’s right, you can choose from a wide variety of Australian Dulux colours for an unbeatable finish, so for all the colour choices visit the Australian Dulux website by clicking these links.

To see the Dulux colorbond range click this link.

To see a range of colours available at Dulux click this link.